
Saffron is a rare spice, known for its strong aroma and flavour. It is derived from the flower of Crocus sativus. It can take 75,000 saffron blossoms to produce a single pound of saffron spice. Saffron is largely cultivated and harvested by hand. Due to the amount of labour involved in harvesting, saffron is considered one of the world's most expensive spices. We at Ashraf Naturals will be bringing the purest of this royal spice to treat your taste buds or to glorify your skin. Our focus is on quality, so we are sure that you are getting the best of Saffron.
It is being used for centuries, it is a powerful antioxidant, anti-depressant, and general tonic, improve mood swing, increase vitality, blood purifier, glorifies your skin and have cancer-fighting properties.
There are three types of Saffron which are considered best, Sar e gul, negin & super negin. Super negin is finest and most premium of all the said above and we only deal in Super negin quality.
- Makes food more delicious and nutritious.
- The best natural general tonic.
- Gives energy to the nerves and is equally beneficial for men and women.
- It gives fresh and radiant skin.
- Strengthen the immune system
- Protects against cold, and allergies and helps in treating asthma.
- Improves mood swings and helps reduce depression.
Saffron is best for:
- Who prefers natural products over synthetic ones.
- Who wants to eat tasty and nutritious food.
- Who take care of themselves and wants to be fit.
- Who wants to boost their immunity.
- Who wants to age gracefully.
It is known as a royal spice, who does not love tasty food? Getting some special guests? Add saffron to food and give your guests a royal treat. Add Saffron in kebab, biryani, rabri milk, sawwayan, qorma, shahi tukray, ras malai, broast, shakes, basundi, desserts or any other dish and just enjoy the ravishing flavour.
Dosage of Saffron:
8-10 stigmas are sufficient for one-time use. You can take it with tea, kahwa or lukewarm milk. You can take saffron twice a day with this dosage. However, If you have high blood pressure issue please consult a physician before using saffron.